Quality Taiwanese 245mm x 180mm Double Mitre Saw Hydraulic Down Feed

DANDENONG SOUTH, VIC - Delivers Nationally
$4,395 AUD

($4,835 Inc. GST)

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Quality Taiwanese 245mm x 180mm Double Mitre Saw Hydraulic Down Feed :      $4,395 AUD ($4,835 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    No. in Stock
    SM-HBS280A - 240V OR 415V
    Sellers stock ID:
    150384 & 150385

    Currently on Special - Save $400.00!

    SM-HBS280V - 240Volt. Bandsaw Double Mitre. 245mm x 150mm Capacity, 20 ~ 90 Vari Speed, Coolant, Hydraulic Down feed, Trigger Switch, Blade Tension, Integrated Stand, Quick Set Angle & Vice. 240V or V

    This variable speed double mitre saw is built for accuracy and production! Easy quick action angle set-ups between 0 and 60 degrees means no wasted time between cuts. Lever controlled blade guide locks allow adjustments right up to the work piece for optimum support and the blade guides have fully adjustable ball bearings so you know you're going to get straight cuts. And when you're done, use the quick release lever and stock length stop to get on with the next cut. It's fast and simple to use! We have included other features including carbide blade guides, blade pressure gauge, hydraulic down feed, trigger switch opertion, to set this aside from other base machines.

    -double mitre cutting bandsaw with quick action angle positioning
    -hydraulic down feed system for automatic continuous lowering of the saw frame
    -hardened, polished worm gear with bronze drive gear for longer service life
    -variable blade speed via DC motor operation to enable the cutting on a variety of materials
    -machine stand with integrated cooling fitted as standard
    -quick action clamping vice
    -powerful motor suitable for continuous operation
    -saw arm mitres up to 60° featuring space saving and convenient mitre cutting
    -vibration free, low noise operation ensures clean cut and high precision
    -carbide blade guides
    -blade tensioning gauge
    -stand included
    -CE compliant

    Technical Data
    -double mitre cutting bandsaw with quick action angle positioning
    -225mm round capacity
    -245mm x 180mm rectangular capacity.
    -270mm vice opening
    -mitre cutting range - 0 ~ 60 degrees
    -blade speed: 45 ~ 90m/min
    -blade size: 2480mm x 27mm x 0.9mm
    -dimensions: 1730mm x 770mm x 1450mm
    -crate size: 1450mm x 750mm x 1100mm x 360Kg
    -weight: 350Kg
    -power: 1.5Kw 240V
    Also 3 phase model available.

    118 Logis Boulevard
    Dandenong South
    VIC, 3175.
    (03) 8710 8000

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