Gravity Roller Conveyor Kit

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Gravity Roller Conveyor Kit : $695 AUD ($765 Inc. GST)

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Gravity Roller Conveyor Kit. 360mm x 2000mm with Linear Rule Measuring System and Flip Up Length Stop
Adjustable Legs 715mm - 105mm, 400Kg Load Capacity per Metre.
Our heavy duty top quality roller tables can be used wherever you need extra work piece support. Features all-steel welded construction and measures 360mm x 2000mm long. Comes with ball bearing rollers and has adjustable legs for any leveling requirement. Complete with linear scaled length stop
Adjustable in height from 715mm x 1050mm. Approximate shipping weight: 30Kg
Please Quote Stock No 150190
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Purchased In As Is and No Returns
Don’t delay! Limited stock .
All Items Purchased Will Include Packing For Transport Purposes Where Required.
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118 Logis Boulevard
Dandenong South
VIC, 3175.
(03) 8710 8000
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