Catering Vee Bottom Die Block, 3 x Overbending V's

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Catering Vee Bottom Die Block, 3 x Overbending V's : $1,495 - $1,850 AUD ($1,645 - $2,035 Inc. GST)
Catering Vee Bottom Die Block With 3 x Overbending Vee's in various lengths - 2500mm, 3200mm & 4000mm
Offering ex stock for delivery. Australian designed pressbrake tooling for immediate delivery.
Designed by our own engineers to ensure strength & full utilization.
Oone over bending vee and a selection of vee's to suit all folding applications.
Hardened and ground finish
Technical Data.
95mm Die Block - Pressbrake Tooling 95mm Square
25mm x 60º Vee, 10mm, 16mm x 35º Vee's - M16 End Holes.
2500mm Length
Packing Information
dimensions (L x W x H)
2500mm x 85mm x 60mm
Weight: 90Kg
Product stock code - 190125
3200mm Length
Packing Information
dimensions (L x W x H)
3200mm x 85mm x 60mm
Weight: 115Kg
Product stock code - 190126
4000mm Length
Packing Information
dimensions (L x W x H)
4000mm x 85mm x 60mm
Weight: 135Kg
Product stock code - 190127
-used in conjunction with optional bottom cradle
Asset offer shipping Australia wide of all our machine tool accessories and spare parts.
Full Range European Designed Top Pressbrake Tooling, Radius Tooling, Special Profile Tooling, Single Vee Blocks, Multi Vee Die Blocks, Sheetmetal Catering Dieblocks, Heavy Duty Dedicated Vee Blocks, Fold & Crush Pressbrake Tooling, Quick Clamp Tool Holders, Sheetmetal, Fabrication, Metalworking Parts & Accessories Ready For Shipping.
We also offer Italian GIMEC Pressbrake Tooling suitable to match your Raxo, Ferrari, Willa, Amada, FM Tool & GaugePressbrake Tooling to meet your Sheetmetal and Metalworking Bending Applications.
Asset Offer A Full Range Of New & Used Machinery - Sales & Service.
Our main Product we offer is Steelmaster with a detailed listing below.
Steelmaster Metalworking Hydraulic NC Pressbrake.
When looking for a quality Metalworking Hydraulic NC Pressbrake, look no further than Steelmaster Industrial. Steelmaster Industrial’s Metalworking Hydraulic NC Pressbrakes offer the Sheetmetal worker a very high quality machine with superb features and tight tolerances at reasonable prices. Steelmaster carries over 20 models of Metalworking Hydraulic NC Pressbrakes in stock at all times for quick shipments. Steelmaster Industrial’s ever growing line of S Metalworking Hydraulic NC Pressbrakes consists of NC Operated & CNC along with a large range of tooling & accessories. Depending on your needs we have the model for you, starting with our cost effective NC machine to our Foldmaster CNC2 Graphical Models. You won’t be disappointed.
NC Operated Hydraulic Pressbrakes
With many models to choose from our Hydraulic NC Pressbrakes offer the best “bang for the buck”. The NC model comes standard with an Etsun E200 fully programmable controller operating the Y & X Axis. Large side throats and also distances between the frames are also an added bonus. Full Top & Bottom tooling is supplied, front sheet supports, & ballscrew backgauge system. We fully believe that we have packed our Hydraulic NC Pressbrakes with as many features that we can think of to assist you with working smarter – not harder! We offer our Hydraulic NC Pressbrakes in sizes from 1320mm x 30Ton - 6000mm x 600Ton with larger models available on request. Safety Laser Light Guards are an addition, however we offer these at a very competitive price –
CNC Operated Hydraulic Pressbrakes
Steelmaster Industrial offers our new Foldmaster CNC Controller on our CNC range. This would have to be the best CNC system on the market for power and ease of operation. Our Hydraulic CNC Pressbrakes have been fitted up to offer you the best selection of features. In addition to the NC models our CNC models offer, sliding front sheet supports, Foldmaster CNC graphical controller, quick clamp tool holders, quality imported precision backgauge system and fingers & safety light laser guards are included!!!
118 Logis Boulevard
Dandenong South
VIC, 3175.
(03) 8710 8000