ASSET 510mm Swing, 80mm Bore, 1500mm Long

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ASSET 510mm Swing, 80mm Bore, 1500mm Long : $22,850 AUD ($25,135 Inc. GST)
ASSET 2060. Big Bore Lathe. Steelmaster Heavy Duty, 1500mm Centres, 510mm Swing, 80mm Bore,3, 4 Jaw Chucks, Faceplate, Steadies, 2 Axis Easson DRO, Quick Change Post & More.V
This feature packed lathe should be the workhorse in your shop. We've combined the mass, power and precision needed for turning tough to machine materials and extra heavy work pieces to exacting dimensions and finishes.
Check out this spindle speed range from 25 - 2000 RPM! You'll be able to spin that work piece up for fine finishing or slow that part down to a crawl, all the time with unparalleled power and rigidity. Aside from this we've included standard features like: auto carriage stop with indexable cams, interlocked apron controls, adjustable apron clutch, heavy-duty tailstock and more!
Take a close look at everything included with the package and you'll agree that this is one great value you won't want to miss out on.
- large 80 mm spindle bore
- induction-hardened and ground cast iron bed and slide ways
- spindle holding camlock system
- main spindle running in oil bath, hardened and ground with two adjustable precision taper rollerbearings ensures accuracy
- maximum accuracy and quiet operation, even at high speeds
- metric and imperial calibrations
- capable of turning over 200 different types of threads with a low speed of 25 rpm
- transversal adjustment of tailstock for taper cutting applications
- quick change tool post standard
- 2 axis DRO fitted as standard
- safety covered lead screw
- safety interlocks on chuck guard, gear box and foot brake
- v 3ph, CE compliant
Technical Data Snap-Shot
-510mm swing over bed
-735mm swing in gap
-1500mm between centres
-80mm spindle bore
-camlock - D1-8
-headstock taper – No.7
-320mm 3 jaw chuck
-400mm 4 jaw chuck
-cross slide travel - 316mm
-top slide travel - 130
-metric threads - 0.2 -14mm (47)
-imperial threads - 2 -112 tpi (60)
-dp threads - 4 -112dp (50)
-modular threads - 0.1 -7mp (34)
-350mm bed width
-faceplate supplied
-fixed & travelling steadies
-quick change post with 3 x holders
-tools to suit - 25mm
-2 axis digital read out fitted
-tailstock taper - 5MT
-tailstock travel - 180mm
-shipping dimensions - 2750mm x 1200mm x 1500mm
-power - V 7.5Kw
-approx weight: 2800kg
Easson 2 axis DRO, 3 & 4 jaw chuck, quick change tool
post with 3 holders, face plate & centres, fixed steadies &
1 travelling steady, full length splash guard up to 2000mm,
118 Logis Boulevard
Dandenong South
VIC, 3175.
(03) 8710 8000